To Turn Off the Light and Look at the World Now and Then

Thoughts on Writing
Titolo originale: Spegnere le luci e guardare il mondo di tanto in tanto
Book published: May 2017
Book pages: 170
Rights sold to:

Spain (Alba editorial) Turkey (Alakarga)

One of the most significant voices of 20th century Literature, Virginia Woolf has authored an extensive number of writings which range from novels, short-stories, essays and rich volumes of diaries. Similar to these, even her numerous and all-embracing letters deeply and fondly unveil her true self, her attitudes towards life, writing, literature and the arts, as well as her opinions on other writers (Joyce, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Proust etc). Less introspective but equally revealing and fascinating, the letters have the priceless merit to show how Woolf presented herself to others, the way she wanted to be perceived, understood and remembered. Federico Sabatini has here collected passages from those letters in which Woolf primarily deals with the theme of writing, focusing onthat style and that special “rhythm” that makes her literature so unique and masterly. Alongside the theme of writing, the passages reveal her original and forward-looking personality, her true nature as a woman and as an acute and sensitive human being, her irony and cheerfulness and, most relevantly, her profound insightfulness captured in the “moments of being” of her daily life. To turn off the light and look at the world now and then is suitable both for students, scholars and lovers of literature, and it represents animpressive source of inspiration for those writers and critics who want to approach Woolf and receive precious advices from her, as well as for her most passionate admirers who wish to broaden and enlighten their knowledge of one of the masters of Modernist literature.

Press reviews

La Lettura - Corriere della Sera

Ogni brano ha una sua autonomia che porta chi la ama dentro il talento e la grande ironia della Woolf.

Paolo Di Paolo - Vanity Fair

Sperimenta, con la scrittura, possibilità tuttora insuperate: le sue "lezioni" raccolte in "Spegnere le luci e guardare il mondo di tanto in tanto" farebbero vergognare molti di voler prendere in mano...

Paola Mastrocola - Il Sole 24 Ore

Mi piacciono molto i passi in cui gli scrittori, soprattutto gli scrittori del passato, riflettono sul loro mestiere. Mi sono sempre nutrita, fin da giovane, di questi scritti letterari un po’ a margi...

Armando Adolgiso Blog

In questo volume si ha una composizione che riflette pienamente la dimensione lirica e tragica di un’esistenza lacerata sul piano umano e vertiginosa su quello letterario.