
Titolo originale: Cardiaferrania
Book published: November 2001
Book pages: 165
Rights sold to:

Who is Cardia Ferrania? Is she really a murderer? And how many Cardias are in town? What has she got to do with the new state-of-the-art xerox copier launched by the multinational Bacall® "capable of duplicating vegetables, minerals, and humans"? With their thrilling graphic noir, Riccardo Falcinelli and Marta Poggi re-invented a literary genre. 

Press reviews

Mirella Appiotti - TTL - La Stampa

Cardiaferania e la nascita del graphic novel in Italia.

Marco Montozzi - Tuttobenenellamiatesta blog

Intriga la grafica che rende la storia fredda allontanandola volutamente da ogni forma di calore.